Swede Seeds (Gowrie)


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An easy to grow variety of swede, it has purple skin with yellow flesh and an excellent sweet taste. It is winter hardy and a good reliable cropper. Resistance to powdery mildew.

Swedes (or yellow turnips) grow well in Ireland. They are not particularly fussy about the soil they grow in, though they will fare better if the soil is manured.

  • Each seed pack contains 100 seeds approx.


February to July


September to December 

Visit the GIY Veg directory for more growing details and tips.


Swedes and turnips will grow in most reasonably fertile soil, but best results will be obtained from soil that has had compost and general fertiliser added a week or two before.

Swedes can be sown direct or in modules for later transplanting. For a continuous crop sow every few weeks from March until July, sow in modular trays, one seed per module and plant out 4 weeks later.

If sowing direct, sow in late May or June, very thinly 1- 2cm deep in rows 40cm apart.


If you have sown direct, thin plants to 25cm apart when they begin to grow.

If sown in modules, transplant in June, spacing plants 25cm apart in rows of 40cm.

Keep plants free of weeds and water regularly during dry weather.