Pumpkin Seeds (Racer F1)


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A heavy mid size pumpkin with deep ribs and a dark green handle. Very productive and vigorous bush type which is early to mature so excellent for short season growing.

  • Each seed pack contains 10 seeds.


Mid-April to late May


September to October 

Visit the GIY Veg directory for more growing details and tips.


Make sure the soil where you are going to grow your pumpkins/squash has had a decent application of well-rotted manure or compost.

Add a general fertiliser 1-2 weeks before transplanting out.
Plants should be sown in 7cm pots for later transplanting.
Sow seeds in May 2cm deep in pots.

They will be ready to transplant after 3 or 4 weeks when the roots have filled out the compost in the pot.


Squashes/pumpkins are frost sensitive, so don’t transplant them out till the danger of frost is passed – cover with fleece if it’s cold at night.

Plant out at 1m spacing for bush varieties and 1.5m for trailing varieties.

Water well if the soil dries out.