Squash Seeds 'Uchiki Kuri'


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Uchiki Kuri is one of the most reliable squashes to grow. It produces orange to red coloured pear shaped fruits that closely resemble a mini pumpkin without the ridges. Stores for up to 6 months but still tender enough to eat the roasted skin. A good one for those weaning themselves off that supermarket staple the butternut squash which has a thick skin for storage and transport but cannot compare to most other squashes for taste.

  • Each seed pack contains 15 seeds.


Mid-April to late May


September to October

Visit the GIY Veg directory for more growing details and tips.


Sow from the middle of April until late May.

Sow each seed into an individual small pot or large module and plant out after hardening off, after approximately six weeks.

Plant 60cm between plants in rows 60cm apart.


When the plant’s main shoots have grown to 60cm long, trim them back so the plant’s energy is concentrated on producing flowers and fruit, rather than masses of foliage.

Soil-borne pests or fungal diseases can damage the tender fruits, so support them by lifting them off the ground, using bricks, tiles, or even polythene.