Asian Greens (Surprise Mix)


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Salad leaves are one of the most popular veg to grow in your garden. Leaf greens are always at their tastiest when just harvested from the ground, so you can enjoy salad leaves at their peak if you grow at home rather than buying from a local supermarket. Salad leaves come in a huge variety, from classic rocket to oriental greens, such as mizuna and oriental mustard. They are also some of the easiest veg to grow, so are an ideal veg for children to grow.


June to September 


June to October 


Visit the GIY Veg directory for more growing details and tips.


Salad leaves can be sown outside from April to August and in a polytunnel or glasshouse from January to October.
For best results we recommend sowing direct into the soil – they can be sown in modules and transplanted, but this often results in them flowering (bolting).
Sow the seed thinly 1cm deep in rows 15cm apart.
You will need to sow regularly if you want a continuous supply of salad – every 2 or 3 weeks – as they often bolt after 2 or 3 harvests.
If you have decided to transplant, plant every 10cm in rows 15cm apart.


Leaf salads grow quickly and can be ready for cutting in as little as three weeks.
Don’t allow the soil to dry out as this will encourage bolting.
Weed when the plants are small as you don’t want weeds in your cut salads.