GIY Know-How

Food Empathy for Kids

Food Empathy for Kids

Frankly the notion that eating lunch is optional is ludicrous. What message are we giving our children when we remove time for a basic biological function from their formal education? At GIY we work really hard to help connect children of all ages to their food, their health and the health of the planet.

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The Basics – Sowing Courgettes

The Basics – Sowing Courgettes

Courgettes are easy to grow and incredibly prolific, your only problem in fact will be working out what to do with all those courgettes.  If all else fails I lob them in to people’s gardens like a paper boy...

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Mick Kelly explains transplanting tomatoes

Mick Kelly explains transplanting tomatoes

"Myself and Richard have nerdy horticultural conversations over lunch at GROW HQ occasionally. They are the types of conversations that only veg obsessives could ever really enjoy." - You've been warned. 

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Richard's Ramblings; inventing a new Scandinavian-sounding word to achieve fame

Richard's Ramblings; inventing a new Scandinavian-sounding word to achieve fame

... there has been various Danish concepts plied as the answer to our modern discontent. These generally seem eminently sensible but blindingly obvious, apparently having a few friends round for a bite to eat and a beer makes you feel good- who knew?...

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Grow Your Home Gorgeous

balcony food foodgrowing giy GROWBox GROWCOOKEAT patio seeds ultimate starter

Grow Your Home Gorgeous

Food growing has rarely been seen as glamorous or aspirational. But we’re here to change all that. There are lots of great tips for growing that can absolutely enhance your home’s beauty.

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